Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ellen Jewett

I love to create 3D models! It is one of my favorite artwork. When I was searching for sculpture artwork, I found a great sculptor on the internet. The artist’s name is Ellen Jewett. She was born in Canada and graduated in Biological Anthropology and Fine Arts at McMaster University. My favorite Jewett artwork is called “Creatures from El”. She changed the animals’ figure to different types of creatures. This is an awesome piece of artwork that I have never seen before. Her fantastic and surreal sculptures are amazing and beautiful.

Rowan Stock-Moore

Rowan Stocks-Moore is a great graphic designer who graduated with a 2:1 in Visual Communications and Marketing from the University of Leed. His Disney design of art work interested me because the style is very simple which makes it easy to notice what is going on in the scene. The colors are very grim and dark, but it also makes it cool a little different from the original Disney style of ambience. I like how Stocks-Moore's works are very simple, unique and very original. I want to try and use his ideas from the animation to create a new style of design my way.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Core 77


Monday, December 2, 2013

Digital Artist

100 Artworks From the Top Digital Artists in the USA & Canada

This is interesting web site to know the famous Digital Artists. You can see the a lot of different kind of artworks which are very creative and unique.  Let's look at it! 

Digital Arts Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop tutorial: Learn the best ways to create 3D type 

Learn how to create 3D typography.Use this tips with try other different kinds of text style. 

Digital ARTs Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop tutorial: Advanced compositing techniques

Learn from this site! It is fabulous!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today is Halloween!!!

Happy Halloweeeeeen! 
Halloween is one of my favorite event. 
I love how people decorate themselves with costumes!
and I love how people decorate their houses!

Halloween reminds me this one of my favorite and respect artist,    Nikai Ken.He is a movie director/Music Video Director. Also, he creates some artwork too. 

 and i love his work because of this one of music video that he made...

  Halloween Party 
Halloween junky orchestra

They are singing in Japanese,but it is very fun to listen even th you dont understand. 
Please have fun looking at their costumes, backgrounds, and  every scenes that Ken Nikai created. This is very creative and awesome music video! 

Five Artists

 Hannah Hoch 
This Hannah Hoch’s artwork is called Da-Dandy. This is a photomontage that she created by putting pieces of pictures of women in the center together and cut it out into a man’s face outline. The women are wearing 70’s style clothing, shoes and beautiful jewelry. Hoch states that black and white photos was a form of “Dadaism”. The colors blue, yellow, and red are also in the photo helps to create a feeling of nonsense which is common in Dadaism. However, I felt a calming warmth when I saw this artwork because of the women's gentle facial expressions. An artist named Raoul Hausmann is the person who influenced Hoch to join the Berlin Dada Movement.


Rene Magritte

Rene Magritte done this painting, The Country of Marvels. On the middle of the artwork, bouquet of flower is placed. Inside of the bouquet of flower, he painted the midnight of outside flowery landscape with pure crescent moon. It shows how calmness by he used the light-gray-blue color. This scene is referencing the flower is not only to be picked up as one. Flowers are growing freely in a field of green. A bird’s nest with three eggs rests next to the bouquet. Magritte was influenced by Cubism and Futurism

Maggie Taylor

This artwork called The Burden of Dreams which is created by Maggie Taylor who is an artist, illustrator. She takes photo or scanned the real objects and transferred Photoshop to collage the piece of photo together. In this artwork, she puts a lot of pieces of animals and objects together on the back of the woman’s head. The base of color of this art is blue, green, and yellow. The mood is showing the calmness but it has really strong feeling. I like how she puts cloud or smoke between the animals and objects because it seems like its her memories or imagination are popping out from her mind.

Lou  Beach

I love this artwork by Lou Beach who is an illustrator. Mostly his artwork is collage, and this is the one of his work. Plus, he finalize with Photoshop. I feel this artwork is expressing the nature of beauty. On the middle of human thing with bird house head is wearing the suit that decorated with plants and flowers. On the above of the artwork, there are lot of kind of birds are playing around. On the bottom, there are lots of butterflies and dragonflies are flying around above the flower and plants. I love how he used the colors. It has perfect balance between front and background. Ernie Kovacks influenced Lou.

Dave Mckean

This artwork is done by Dave Mckean. When I look at this first, I feel really thrill, strange, mysterious and scare. In this image, I can see looks like wolf’s shadow with human’s face is masked on it. He is using photoshop for this collage artwork. The mood of color which are black make scary look.  Also, the texture that is overlaying this artwork making it looks more strange.  Max Ernst’s painting influenced Mckean.

Painter Leonid Afremov

Leonid Afremov

Leonid Afremov is my one of favorite painters. I respect him because of his dynami use of colors, but has a calming touch. I love his art because I can feel the warmness from all of his artwork. I also respect him because he uses a palette-knife which he mastered using for 10 years instead of using regular brushes. Since 1995, he has made about 4000 paintings which are usually landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, and portraits of musician.

Afremov was born in Belarus in 1955. He started painting when he was seven years old. Later on, he took painting class in high school. Even though he was trained more to be a teacher than an artist during his college years, he built up his painting skills with oil and participated in various exhibitions since 1977. After he moved to Israel in 1990 for a advertising painting job, his paintings became brighter, lighter, and joyous. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Graphic Designer Si SCOTT


Si Scott is a great graphic designer from the UK. He studied graphic design at Leeds College of Art and Design before going on to Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College. After graduating, he founded his studio in 2006. He has great shape designs with simple circulation of lines and bubbles. His works are done by hand, and his projects range from ads, CD covers, products, interior designs, tattoos, and brandings. He worked for Nike, Orange, UNICEF, and the BBC. It seems that one would need patience to do his work because his art has a lot of details and various line sizes.
I love his creative art works. His art is attractive because even though his illustrations have simple lines and colors, it has strong effect and very dramatic motion that almost makes it feel that it will come to life.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Photoshop Tutorial "ICE"

Hi everyone :) When I was looking through the photoshop tutorials, I decided to work on this photoshop trial because it looks very coool! This website shows how to create an Ice text effect with Photoshop. It took me two hours to finish. It was very hard to finish! becasue there were a lot of steps that I never done before. You guys should try this out to learn how to create this beautiful ice effect!
My work

obviously,,,I need to fix/practice becaue it does not look realisitic like photo "ICE"
You can challenge your skill from this web site;)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I want to share this creative lovely site that is very useful!
This site share a lof of new articles about photoshop, graphic design, illustration, and etc...
You can learn more new stuff from here :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fantastic Photoshop Fails

Hi students and visitors :) this is why I am taking photoshop class! I need to study more and more to get better with photoshop. This site shows a lot of picture that!



Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This photo is one of my favorite photographs by the photographer, Zena Holloway. One fact that surprised me is that her photographs are taken underwater with models. I thought it was photoshopped in some way! Holloway taught herself the art of underwater photography after she became a diving instructor and carried an underwater camera with her. Each of her amazing shots create floating motion beautifully.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


The original picture was just a man carrying a child and woman in a burka. However, it was photoshopped to make it seem like they were fleeing the site of a war-torn Aleppo. The reason why it seems “authentic” is because the picture was made to make people feel sympathetic and feel even more positive that a war against Asad in Syria is reasonable.